Our Eco-Journey Part 4: Why We Chose Trees

Trees are nature’s superhero. After months of researching sustainable shipping solutions and weighing the benefits of various carbon offset options, it was clear the impact made by trees was like no other. We came into this journey with a simple yet ambitious goal: to offset every shipment. But after working with our partners, One Tree Planted, to understand the full effects of our impact, we knew we could do so much more through the power of trees. In this last part of our eco-journey series, we speak in-depth on why planting trees is vital and the best solution for offsetting carbon.

Carbon offset shipping with trees

Trees’ ability to clean the air and water of pollutants makes them vital to the sustainability movement. We plant trees to enable carbon offset shipping because they are natural CO2 absorbers, inhaling CO2 and exhaling oxygen. A fully mature tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 every single year. Incredible. CO2 isn’t the only pollutant trees help remove from our air and water sources. Trees also absorb gases like nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide and sweep up particles like dust and smoke.

Trees – nature’s superhero

Trees are the gift from nature that keeps giving. It's hard to know where to begin when discussing the innumerable benefits of trees. To borrow from our partners at One Tree Planted, there are six main pillars to explain why trees are vital.

1) Air – Healthy trees act as carbon sinks, cleaning the air we breathe from various pollutants, including CO2, and reducing the effects of climate change.  

2) Water – Trees play an essential part in capturing rainwater and purifying drinking water. Their root systems purify water from pollutants. Their roots’ absorption abilities also reduce the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.   

3) Biodiversity – Trees are the homes of thousands of species, providing both food and shelter. Mature forests filled with fully grown trees and plenty of shade can offer much more to animals than sparse forests caused by deforestation.   

4) Social Impact – Countless communities rely on trees for jobs. Industries like agriculture and sustainable logging employ millions of people and provide critical resources like food and wood.  

5) Health – Trees have a phenomenal impact on our health, reducing the effects of stress and anxiety, as well as protecting us from the sun's rays.   

6) Climate – Trees are key players in reducing the effects of climate change, helping to cool the earth and storing greenhouse gases in their trucks. Did you know – trees can reduce temperatures up to 8° Celsius? 

Healing from the devastation in California

The biggest decision we made when considering carbon offset methods was whether to conserve forests or plant trees. While both are suitable options for offsetting shipments, we had begun our research in 2020, the year when California saw the most catastrophic forest fire event on record. It was impossible not to be influenced by what was going on around us. It was clear the impact that needed to be made.   

We had decided to focus our efforts on planting new trees in California to promote healing from the devastation in 2020, which saw 3 million acres consumed in fires, and 2017, with 1.3 million acres destroyed. Healing California is a considerable feat. Hundreds of millions of trees will need to be restored. We need to act fast – leaving soil barren makes land susceptible to further disasters like floods and landslides. Supporting our partner, One Tree Planted, ensures new trees are not only planted but planted with care. The right vegetation planning and resource management are needed to reduce the risk of further catastrophe and prevent insect infestation that kills native tree species.     

Update: December 2021

In addition to supporting three reforestation projects in California in 2021 (Contra Costa County, Shasta-Trinity National Forest - Hayfork Ranger Distric, and Klamath National forest - Goosenest Ranger District) Freight Club is pleased to announce that we’ve also expanded our efforts to other regions in the USA including South Carolina, Michigan, Idaho, and Wyoming.


With the prevalence of deforestation, the value of trees has never been felt harder. As an organization founded in the Pacific Northwest, we see, feel, and smell the difference that an abundance of trees makes in our lives. We continue to be surprised and delighted at the impact nature's superhero has on our environment and our communities and are excited to continue this journey with our partners One Tree Planted.


Planted Profile: A Q&A with One Tree Planted


The Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Business